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Complete your self-assessment for personalised insights. 

Culture Self Assessment Quiz

Diversity and Inclusion

How well do employees understand the importance of diversity in our organization?
To what extent do leaders actively promote inclusivity and belonging in their teams?
Does your organization actively seek diverse representation in leadership roles?


How would you rate the perceived fairness in opportunities for career advancement?
Are there established policies to address equity concerns within the organization?
Does your organization regularly assess and address pay equity issues?

Organisational Culture

How would you describe the communication style within your organization?
How encouraged do employees feel to provide feedback about the work environment?
To what extent do employees feel that their personal values align with the organization's values?
Job Satisfaction
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent

On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your overall job experience in the organisation?

Thanks for submitting!

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