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Oh 2020, What a Year!!

This piece has been adapted from a post I originally wrote back in 2018. At that time it was a New Years' wish for a wonderful 2019, today a reflection on living Acceptance without Understanding™ in 2020.


There is an ancient Chinese saying about stepping one step at a time to start a hard journey, and surely after everything that has been in the first half of 2020 we shouldn't expect any miracles for the rest of 2020, or should we?

Maybe we should expect miracles after all the saying is "Be the change you want to see", regardless of what happens politically, socially, or economically the power to change lies within all of us. Notice that medically is not part of the things that may change that we factor into this thinking.

Some see making resolutions as a way to bring about the change they wish to see. Some folks talk about the change and what needs to happen. Others go ahead without understanding and regardless of what the journey will be like and make change regardless in hopes it will be better as that is the intent behind the action.

For me, I am the latter group, constantly looking on how to improve, knowing that many things can be better and knowing that after so many years in business and leadership that the only change I can bring about in a human being is to change myself.

I have also made enough trips around the sun to understand that demanding change from the outside world is much harder than changing things from the inside.

What change is it you want to see that your willing to be the change required?

Don't just talk about it; do it, do it, do it!!!

Wishing you Health and Happiness in the rest of 2020!



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