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🌟 Bear Encounters: Navigating Gender Privilege in the Untamed Realm 🌟

Embark on a transformative journey into the untamed realm of gender privilege with Cynthia Fortlage, CEO of CAF Services and an award-winning global diversity specialist. Drawing inspiration from the intriguing scenario of a woman in the woods with a bear, this enlightening class delves deep into the intricacies of gender-based privilege. Through engaging dialogue and immersive activities, participants unravel the layers of privilege and cultivate a deeper understanding of allyship. Together, we pave the way towards a more inclusive and equitable future for everyone.

Learning Outcomes:

• Understanding Unconscious Bias: It is crucial for participants to recognise and address their biases, which is foundational for understanding privilege and being an effective ally.

• Participating in a Privilege Walk Exercise: This exercise can be powerful in helping participants visually and experientially understand the concept of privilege and how it affects individuals differently.

• Practical Tips on Being an Active Ally: Equipping participants with actionable strategies to support marginalised individuals and communities actively is essential for turning awareness into meaningful action.

These outcomes directly address critical aspects of privilege, allyship, and awareness-building, providing participants with theoretical knowledge and practical tools for fostering inclusivity and equity.

Ready to get started? Contact us to arrange bespoke gender privilege training sessions for your organisation.

Let's keep the conversation going! Share your thoughts and experiences on gender-based privilege in the comments below.

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Next Steps: With over 25 years of leadership and advocacy experience, I'm here to support your organisation's inclusivity journey. Contact me at to begin the conversation.

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