I am writing this years list to the Spotify playlist for Pride 2021, Starting with Madonna's Vogue, a classic you will have heard often, I am sure.
While others can celebrate their life accomplishments and walk down the main street holding hands of their soul mate without fear of being assaulted, the need for an event such as Pride is of greater need more than ever.
My dear folx, what do we do?
Here is a list of 7 ideas for you to consider;
While Isolation is an excellent time for glitter!! Oh, heck, anytime is a great time for glitter. Feel free to use it sparingly or in abundance as you see fit. Everything looks better with glitter.
Read some great LGBT2SQIA+ literature, many excellent writers and stories, both serious, fun, and erotic to select.
Wear some pride colours, add them to an outfit, wear an accessory during your next Zoom meeting. I have my Rainbow headband for June that I carry with me.
In locations where limited social interaction can occur, enjoy a gathering of whatever limitations on the number of people are imposed upon you and celebrate being you.
Send notes electronically or on paper to others to let them know you are thinking of them during this time; if you’re an ally, send them a letter of support.
Make rainbows if you don’t have them already (I know many of you do have them already) and put them around your personal space to celebrate you!
Be you and dance!! The best celebrations always involve dance when I am in the community, and we have so much great music to celebrate!!! YMCA anyone?
I know this community is millions and millions strong, and we are highly creative folx, so use that creativity and curate your list of 7 ideas to celebrate and recognize Pride and yourself this month.
Happy Pride!! Feliz Orgullo!!
Con Amor y Abrazos en Orgullo